More blood to come

Ok … for those of you guys waiting patiently for the Sumo review. Don’t bother. The advertiser did not sent the sample until today and refused to answer any of my emails. It’s funny though … they were the ones who contacted me about this review. It’s pretty obvious that they want this review for SEO purposes. So …. is not good enough for you eh Andrew?

On the other note, I’m getting a new tattoo soon so I will be spilling my blood very soon. Those who need it contact me. If not I would be donating it before the end of the month.

It’s about time for an update

Yes I know I’ve been missing and not posting much lately. Remember I said I have a theme park to manage now? Well … at least I’ve learnt some tricks of park management and life is a little bit chilled now.

Looking back, time were really tough when I had no experience. I was glad I could shave my head bald to counter all that madness :)